Selbu Trykk AS

Reference: NO2024-002
Type: EQUASS Assurance (2018)
Certification date: 2024-02-22
Expiration date: 2027-02-22
Scope of Services: VTA og AFT
Number of Service Users: 24
Number of Staff members: 15
Overall score:

Address: Gjelbakken , 7581 ,
Postboks 64,
Contact Person: Pia Karine Bogen


Selbu Trykk AS is a company who is managing social services. We provide two kinds of services, VTA and AFT. There are 21 spots for users in total. The company is also an ordinary print business. We do several things, like drifting a laundry, transportation of any kind, postal services, finishing up printed matters, car wash, managing BUA Selbu, creative work (arts and crafts), woodcrafts, scanning, drifting a secondhand store and we are helping an assistive technology technician. There are totally 15 persons employed at Selbu Trykk AS. We have also the assistive technology technician from the municipality working with us.

Description in native language:

Selbu Trykk As er en arbeidsmarkedsmarkedsdrift. Vi har to tiltak VTA og AFT. Det er til sammen 21 plasser. Bedriften er i tillegg et ordinært trykkeri.  Vi driver med vaskeri, transport, postkjøring, ferdiggjøring av trykksaker, drift av BUA Selbu, kreativt arbeid, trearbeid, skanning, drift av Gjenbruksbutikk og samarbeid med hjelpemiddeltekniker Det er totalt 15 ordinært ansatte. I tillegg har vi hjelpemiddeltekniker fra kommunen tilknyttet oss.


Organisations in the area: