VDC Novo mesto

Reference: SLO2023-003
Type: EQUASS Assurance (2018)
Certification date: 2023-12-11
Expiration date: 2026-12-11
Scope of Services: - Institucionalno varstvo (IVO); - Vodenje, varstvo in zaposlitev pod posebnimi pogoji (VVZ)
Number of Service Users: 170
Number of Staff members: 95
Overall score:

Address: Šmihel 3, 8000 Novo mesto,
Contact Person: Janja Jakše
Email: info@vdc-nm.si


VDC Novo mesto – is a public institution, that is taking care for people with mental health issues or physical disabilities, to whom we are providing the institutionalized care and leading them through the working processes under special conditions.

We are implementing the insitutuionized care on three different locations: - the main unit in Šmihel (24 hours of institutional care and 16 hours of institutional care), housing unit Cesarjeva (16 hours of institutional care), housing unit Trebnje (16 hours institutional care).

The working processes under special condition are implemented on 3 different locations (unit Šmihel, unit Bršljin, unit Trebnje).

Description in native language:

Varstveno delovni center Novo mesto je javni socialno varstveni zavod.

Vključuje odrasle osebe z motnjo v duševnem in telesnem razvoju, katerim nudimo storitev institucionalnega varstva in storitev vodenje, varstvo in zaposlitev  pod posebnimi pogoji.

Storitev institucionalnega varstva izvajamo na treh lokacijah:

  • glavna enota v Šmihelu (24 urno in 16 urno IV v zavodu)

  • bivalna enota Cesarjeva (16 urno IV)

  • bivalna enota Trebnje (16 urno IV).

Storitev vodenje, varstvo in zaposlitev pod posebnimi pogoji izvajamo na treh lokacijah:

  • enota Šmihel

  • enota Bršljin

  • enota Trebnje.
