4Quality! project - Final Conference

The Final conference of the 4Quality! project will take place in Brussel on 23rd of March 2016 at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). The theme is “Improving the quality of jobs and services in personal care and household services throughout Europe”.

For more information about the 4Quality Project and EPR's contributions, click here.

At the heart of European policies for twenty years, personal care and household services (PHS) are an important source of employment while helping meeting the growing socio-health needs. But what quality of jobs and services are rendered? The project For Quality! offers a qualitative analysis of the current situation of PHS in eleven European countries and offers to stakeholders a powerful tool of exchange towards improved working conditions in this sector.

This major project is co-funded by the PROGRESS Programme of the EU and has been running since November 2014, under the coordination of PLS, in partnership with eight partner organisations, of which Social Services Europe, which the EPR is a member of.

The conference aims to present a set of European recommendations and a toolkit providing a set of practices transferable throughout the European continent in the PHS sector.
- See more at: Pour la Solidarité website


Date : Wednesday 23 March 2016, 9h00-13h00 CET, followed by a lunch in front of the conference room.

Venue : Brussels, European Economic and Social Committee premises, room VMA 1

Interpretation will be provided in English and in French.


The draft programme can be downloaded here

To register to the conference, please click here.


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